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LCCUG Advertisement Information
Rates | Guidelines 

Advertising Rates

Rate Policies 
Business Sponsorship Local Businesses may become sponsors of LCCUG at the following levels and for prepaying a year in advance, will enjoy these discounts and benefits: 

Gold Sponsor: $245.00 
½ page advertisement in the month of their choice 
¼ page advertisements for the other remaining 11 months 
3 Club Memberships with normal club benefits*  
20% off any additional requested advertisements for the year.+ 

Silver Sponsor: $190.00 
6-¼ page advertisements 
6-(business card) 1/8 page advertisements 
2 Club Memberships with normal club benefits*  
10% off any additional requested advertisements for the year.+  

Bronze Sponsor: $145.00 
¼ page advertisement in the month of their choice 
1/8 page advertisements for the other remaining 11 months 
1 Club Membership with normal club benefits*  
5% off any additional requested advertisements for the year.+ 

* Club Membership Benefits:  A valuable resource ( $25.00 per Member value)
+ The percentages off can be valuable savings depending on multiple usage

Standard Monthly Advertising Rates: 
(For businesses and individuals wanting to advertise in the monthly newsletter) 
Full-page: $65
Half-page: $45 
Quarter-page: $25 
Eighth-page (business card): $15 


Advertisement Guidelines
  • A Term and Conditions Contract, as well as, an Order Form Sheet must be completed and signed by authorized parties before an advertising agreement is binding. 
  • All ads placed by businesses must be computer related.
  • All ads must have sized camera-ready artwork or be done in a compatible graphics program. Contact LCCUG Director of Advertising for specific details.
  • All ad space will be limited to a first come first serve basis per issue with a maximum of 30% of the newsletter being allotted for advertisement purposess
  • Due to monthly newsletter changes, ad placement will be at the discretion of the editor.
  • All ads must be prepaid in full before they are printed in the newsletter (payments to be received by treasurer from the Director of Advertising prior to production deadline and written out to LCCUG). All returned checks will be charged $25.00 processing fee.
  • Any changes to ads must be submitted before the production deadline, which is the 1st of each month prior to the month  the Advertiser wishes to see the ad placed in. 
Contact Director of Advertising, Bill Matasic  billmat@adelphia.net
for more information.